Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Welcome to British Literature!

Mission:  The purpose of this course is to continue to grow as readers and writers of the English language, by learning to think critically and achieve a level of excellence appropriate for a high school student.  We will achieve this goal by studying major works from the canon of British Literature from the past and present, studying the ways in which human beings use the written word as a means for explaining and sharing in our experience.

Major Works
Ø  Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney    
Ø  The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Ø  Macbeth & Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
Ø  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen                                                                     
Ø  Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
Ø  Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Ø  Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Ø  Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte                    
Ø  The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde                                              
Ø  Selections of sonnets, romantic, and modern poetry
Writing & Major Assignments 50%:  This is will be the bulk of your grade.  This category includes all major writing assignments, in-class essays, final projects, and unit tests.  Criteria and rubrics for the above will be made available.

Blogs 30%:  Every night you will read a selection from the works above and be expected to compose a blog response. If you are absent, please view the blog and respond when you are able. Criteria and rubrics for the above will be made available. 

Journal 20%:  Everyday you will freewrite in your journal as a means of actively thinking during class discussions.  You will be asked to share your ideas.  These journal responses will also be used to compose blog responses, in-class essays, as well as fully processed essays.  You will receive a grade at the end of the term for your overall body of work.  Criteria and rubrics for the above will be made available. (For the grade conscious:  This is how a B+ becomes an A-…and vice versa)

Classroom Behavior
Students must adhere to the rules of conduct outlined in the Andover High School Student Handbook 2017-2018 edition.   If you act like an adult, I will treat you like one.

No Cellphones:  No handheld devices should be in my view at anytime.  Administration will be contacted if this becomes a persistent problem.

Late Work: It is your responsibility to approach me about your work.  Please refer to the Andover High School Student Handbook 2017-2018 edition for details. 

Aspen:  Grades and progress reports will be consistently posted on Aspen.  It is your responsibility to track your progress.